Page 7 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 7
Bring out
your son. He must
5f]/fnfO{ aflx/ Nofpm /
die, because he has
Tof] d/f];\ lsgeg] To;n] afnsf] j]
broken down B l’s
bL eTsfPsf] 5 / cz]/fsf] vfFaf]
altar and cut down
the Asherah pole
sf6]/ 9fn]sf] 5 .
beside it.
Are you
going to
afnsf] d'2f
B l’s
n8\g'x'G5 <
olb afn O{Zj/ x'g\ eg] s;}
if B l
rea y is a god, he
n] p;sf] j]bL eTsfpFbf pm cfˆgf] nflu
can defend himself when
cfkm} af]nf];\
someone breaks down his altar.
To; lbgb]lv ltgLx¿n] lubf]gsf] gfpF æo?AafnÆ /fv]
From that day forward they
ca ed Gideon “Jerub B l” which
h;sf] cy{ x'G5, æo; dflg;sf] lj?4df afn cfkmF}
meant “Let B l contend with him.”
t/ O;|fPnLx¿ ;fx|} 8/fP .
But the people of israel
became very afraid.
ldBfgLx¿ cdfn]sLx¿ / k"j{sf dflg;x¿sf]
The Midianites, along with the
;fydf To; b]znfO{ km]l/ cfqmd0f ug{ ob{g kf/
Amalekites and other eastern
peoples cro ed over the
u/] .
Jordan River to once again
invade the land – and
leave nothing in their path.
Gofostf{ ^M#!–##
Judges 6:31-33
Judges 6:31-33