Page 5 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 5

olb d}n] tkfO{+sf] b[li6df s[kf kfPs}
      if I have found favor
      in your eyes give me a
      5' eg] tkfO{+n] g} d;Fu af]Ng'ePsf]
       sign that it is rea y
       eGg] dnfO{ Pp6f lrXg lbg'xf];\
         you talking to me.
           Let me
        . laGtL 5, d}n] d]/f] e]6L
      bring a sacrifice –
     lnP/ gcfpGh]n tkfO{+ oxfFaf6
      please wait until
        I come back.
           ghfg'xf]nf .
                        I wi .

                                                                       I have
                                                                    d}n] k|e'nfO{ r9f-
                                                                    brought my
                                                                 pg alnsf] df;' / cvld/]
                                                                  sacrifice of meat
                                                                   and unleavened
                                                                    /f]6L NofPsf] 5' .
                                                                   bread to oer
                                                                    to the Lord.
                                               Tof] df;'
                                            the meat and
                                            / cvld/] /f]6LnfO{
                                             r§fgdfly /fv .
                                            bread on this

       cxx, k|e' oxf]jf . d}                                                   / lubf]gn] k/dk|e'sf
       Ah, Sovereign
       Lord! I have
      n] t k/dk|e'sf] b"tnfO{                                                   And Gideon
                                                                                  built an
       s„n the angel
                                                                                lglDt Pp6f j]bL
       cfdg] ;fdg] b]v]sf]                                                      altar there
        of the Lord
                                                                                   agfP .
          face to                                                              to the Lord.
           5' .
                                     Do not
                                     g8/fpm, tF
                                    be afraid.
                                   You are not
                                     dg]{5}g;\ .
                                    going to                o;nfO{
                                       die.                I wi
                                                        d æk/dk|e' zflGt
                                                          ca  this
                                                         “The Lord is
                                                        x'g'x'G5Æ eGg] gfpF
                                                           lbg]5' .

                                           Judges 6:17-2
                                           Judges 6:17-24
                                      Gofostf{x¿ ^M!&–@$ 4
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