Page 15 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 15
A sword
for the Lord
and for
Each man –
JolQm cfkm\gf] 7fpFd}
hold your
v8f xf]pm .
tL tLg ;o hgfn] cf–cfˆgf] t'/xL km'Sbf, k/dk|e'n] 5fpgLsf ;a}
At the sounding of the 300 trumpets the
dflg;x¿nfO{ a]:;/L cTofOlbg'eof] . cGof}nu|:t eP/ ltgLx¿n]
Lord caused the men in the camp to panic.
cfˆg} ;fyLsf] lj?4df t/jf/ rnfpg nfu] .
They turned on each other in the confusion.
Gofostf{x¿ &M!(–@@
Judges 7:19-22
Judges 7:19-22