Page 17 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 17
d]/f] ;]gfnfO{
s]xL vfg]s'/f b]pm . ltgLx¿
my tr ps some
bread. They are worn
Do you
SnfGt eO;s]sf 5g\ / xfdL cem} s] h]ax
out and we are sti
already have the
/ ;Nd'Ggfsf lz/x¿ ltd|f]
in pursuit of the
ldBfgL /fhfx¿sf] vf]hLdf 5f}+ . heads of Zebah and
Midianite kings. xftdf kl/;s]sf] 5 / <
Zalmu a in your
po e ion?
Why should
ltd|f] ;]gfnfO{ lsg
we give bread
to your
xfdLn] /f]6L lbg] <
tr ps?
To;f] eP ha k/dk|e'n] h]
Just for that, when
the Lord has given
ax / ;Nd'GgfnfO{ d]/f] xftdf
Zebah and Zalmu a
;'lDklbg'x'g]5, ta d d?e"ldsf
into my hand, I wi
tear your flesh with
sfF9f / 3f]Rg] a'6fn] ltdLx¿sf]
desert thorns
5fnf ptfg]{5'
and briers.
the people
dflg;x¿n] kSs}
of Peniel wi
come to our
xfdLnfO{ ;xfotf
ug]{5g\ . ha
d ljhoL eP/ kms{g]5',
For refusing
to help my men,
ta d]/f dflg;x¿nfO{
when I return
in triumph, I wi
;xfotf ug{ OGsf/ u/]sf]df
tear down this
of] w/x/f eTsfOlbg]5'
Gofostf{x¿ *M^–(
Judges 8:6 -9
Judges 8:6 -9