Page 21 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 21

O;|fPnsf dflg;x¿ lubf]gsxfF
        The people of israel                                                 ltdLx¿l;t d]/f] Pp6f
                                                                              “I do have one
                                                                              cg'/f]w 5, ltdLx¿
         came to Gideon…                                                      request– each
                                                                              of you give me
                                                                             x/]sn] n'6sf] dfnaf6
           xfdLdfly                                                            an ea ing
                                                                               from your
        Rule over us–
       /fHo ug'{xf];\ . tkfO{+n]                                             s'08nx¿ rflxF dnfO{
                                                                              share of the
                                                                                  b]pm .
        you saved us
      xfdLnfO{ ldBfgLsf] xftb]lv                                               plunder.”
       from the hand
          of Midian.
         arfpg'ePsf] 5 .               g
                                    I wi
                                    t d}n], g t
                                   not rule
                                   over you
                                   d]/f] 5f]/fn] g}
                                  nor wi  my
                                 ltdLx¿dfly /fHo
                                   son rule
                                  over you.
                                     ug]{5 .
                                    k/dk|e'n] g}
                                   ltdLx¿dfly /
                                    wi  rule
                                    fHo ug'{x'g]5 .
                                               t/ k/d]Zj/sf] cj1f ub}{ lubf]gn] cfkm\gf] ;x/
                                                 But in disobedience to God,
                                                Gideon set up a golden ephod
                                                 cf]k|fdf Pp6f ;'gsf] Pkf]b -d"lt{_ agfP .
                                                 in his home town of Ophrah.
                                                     clg ;f/f O;|fPnn] To; d"lt{sf] kl5 nfu]/ j]Zofsd{ u/] / of]
                                                      There the people of israel prostituted
                                                        themselves before the idol– and it
                                                           lubf]g / ltgsf] 3/fgfsf] nflu kf;f] aGof] .
                                                       was a snare to Gideon and his family.
          lubf]gsf y'k|} kTgLx¿ lyP / ltgsf &)
          Gideon tk many wives
             and had 70 sons.
                 5f]/fx¿ lyP .

                                                            t/ lubf]gsf] d[To'nuQ},
        O;|fPn b]zn] cfˆgf zq'x¿af6 rfnL; jif{;Dd       But sn after the death
         The land of israel had rest
        from their enemies for 40 years.                 of Gideon, the people
                  lj>fd kfof] .
                                                         of israel returned to
                                                            afnsf] k"hf ug{ nfu] .
                                                         the worship of B‚l.

                                       Gofostf{x¿ *M@#–#%
                                          Judges 8:23-35
                                          Judges 8:23-35
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