Page 23 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 23
clad]n]sn] To; k};fnfO{ lnP/ x'b{ª\u] t/
Abimelech used the money to
hire reckle
;fx;L dflg;x¿nfO{ efF8fdf lnP / ltgLx¿
who became his fo owers.
ltgsf] kl5 nfu] .
ta pgL Pp6f lx+;fTds pkb|\j ug{lt/
Then he went on a
murderous rampage…
nfu] .
pgL cfˆgf] afa'sf] ;x/ cf]k|fdf uO{ lubf]gsf ;Q/L
Going to his father’s home in
hgf 5f]/fx¿nfO{ Pp6} 9'Ëfdfly sf6]/ df/] .
Ophrah he murdered a 70
of Gideon’s sons on a stone.
Pp6f rflxF afFr] . lubf]gsf sfG5f 5f]/f of]tfd
Except one. Jotham, the
youngest son of Gideon, was
efu]/ n'Sg ;kmn eP .
able to escape and hide.
Gofostf{x¿ (M!–%
Judges 9:1-5
Judges 9:1-5