Page 24 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 24
Abimelech used the money to z]s]dsf gu/jf;Lx¿ / a]y ldNnf]sf ;a}
hire reckle
adventurers The citizens of Shechem
hgf e]nf eP/ clad]n]snfO{ /fhf agfP .
who became his fo owers. and Beth Milo gathered to
crown Abimelech king.
t/ ToxfF csf]{ s'g} JolQmsf] klg pkl:ylt
But they also found
someone else in a endance.
lyof] .
Then he went on a x], z]s]dsf gu/
Listen to
murderous rampage… jf;Lx¿ xf], d]/f] s'/f
me, citizens of
Shechem, so that
;'Gg'xf];\ tfls k/d]Zj/n]
God may listen
tkfO{+x¿sf] s'/f ;'g"g\ . One day
to you.
¿vx¿ cfkm"dfly Ps
the trs went
out to anoint a
hgf /fhfnfO{ cleif]s ug{
king for them-
lg:s] .
t/ h}t'gsf] ¿vn] hjfkm lbof], b]jtfx¿ / dflg;x¿nfO{ g]ef/fsf] ¿vn] hjfkm lbof], ¿vx¿dfly zf;g ug{
“But the olive tr answered, ‘Why
should I give up my oil by which “The fig tr replied, ‘Should I
dfg lbg] cfˆgf] ax'd"No t]nnfO{ d}n] lsg TofUg] <
cfˆgf] c;n / dL7f] kmnnfO{ d}n] lsg TofUg] <
both gods and men are honored? ’” give up my fruit, so gd and swt,
to hold sway over the trs? ’”
Going to his father’s home in
Ophrah he murdered a 70
of Gideon’s sons on a stone.
¿vx¿ bfvsf] cGTodf ltgLx¿n] sfF9fsf] ‰ofËnfO{
“Finay they asked the
“the trs
af]6sxfF klg uP / pgn] thornbush to be their king.”
even went
cfkm"dfly /fhf x'g cg'/f]w u/] .
to the vine
o:tf] hjfkm lbP, b]
who told them,
‘Should I give
jtf / dflg;nfO{ v'zL
up my wine,
t'Nofpg] d]/f]
which chrs
both gods
bfvdBnfO{ d}n] lsg
and men? ’”
TofUg] <
Except one. Jotham, the olb ltdLx¿ ;fFRrL g} dnfO{ ltdLx¿sf /fhf cleif]s ug{
youngest son of Gideon, was “if you reay want to anoint me as king
over you then take refuge in my shade.
able to escape and hide. rfxfG5f} eg] d]/f] 5fofdf z/0f n]pm . xf]Og eg], sfF9fx¿af6
if not, then let fire come out and
cfuf] lg:s]/ n]agfgsf b]jbf?x¿nfO{ :jfxf kf/f];\ .
consume the cedars of Lebanon.”
Judges 9:1-5 Gofostf{x¿ (M^–!%
Judges 9:1-5
Judges 9:6-15
Judges 9:6-15