Page 22 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 22
ltgsf y'k|} kTgLx¿ afx]s, ltgsL Pp6f pkkTgL klg
Besides his many wives, Gideon
lyO{ h;åf/f ltgL Pp6f 5f]/fsf] afa' eP . pgsf]
had also fathered a son by a
concubine. His name was Abimelech. ha pgL 7"nf] eP, pgL cfkm" a:g] ;x/
When he grew up he went
gfpF clad]n]s lyP .
to the citizens of the
sf gful/sx¿sxfF uP .
town where he lived.
x] z]s]
people of
dsf afl;Gbfx¿, s'g
Shechem, which
rflxF tkfO{+x¿sf] nflu c;n
is be er for
xf] <
Would you
rather have a
-lubf]g_ sf ;Q/L hgf
70 of Jerub-Bl’s
(Gideon’s) sons
5f]/fx¿n] tkfO{+x¿dfly /
rule over you –
fHo u/]sf] ls Ps hgfn]
or just one
< ofb ug'{xf];\, d
Remember –
klg tkfO{+x¿s} xf8 /
I am your flesh
and bld.
df;' x'F .
z]s]dsf dflg;x¿n] clad]n]snfO{ k5\Øfpg]
The people of Shechem
decided to foow Abimelech.
lg0f{o u/] .
ltgLx¿n] afnsf] dlGb/af6 rfFbLsf ;Q/L l;Ssf lnP /
They tk 70 shekels of silver from
their temple of B l and gave it to him.
pgnfO{ lbP .
Gofostf{x¿ (M!–$
Judges 9:1-4
Judges 9:1-4