Page 25 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 25

clad]n]snfO{ /fhf agfP/
       Now if you have acted honorably and in
       g d faith when you made Abimelech
      s] ltdLx¿n] ;To / OdfGbf/ sfd u/]sf 5f} <
        king and have b n fair to my father
           and his family and treated
              him as he deserves--

                                                                           and to
                                                                        lktfn] ltdLx¿sf]
                                                                        think that my
                                                                      lglDt n8fOF u/]] / cfkm\gf]
                                                                     father fought for
                                                                     you, risked his life
                                                                    k|f0f vt/fdf xfn]/ ltdLx¿nfO{
                                                                       to rescue you
                                                                      ldBfgLx¿sf] xftaf6 arfP
                                                                       from the hand
                                                                         of Midian--
       t/ cfh ltdLx¿ d]/f lktfsf
       but today you have                       olb ltdLx¿n] d]/f a'afk|lt
                                                if you have acted
      3/fgfsf] lj?4df v8f ePsf 5f}              ;To / OdfGbf/ Jojxf/ u/]
      revolted against my
                                                honorably and in
       father’s family and
                                               g d faith toward
      / ltgsf ;Q/L hgf 5f]/fx¿nfO{            sf 5f} eg] ltdLx¿ clad]n]s;Fu
       murdered his 70 sons                      my father, may
       Pp6} 9'Ëfdfly sf6]/ df/]sf 5f}         v'zL xf]pm / pm klg ltdLx¿;Fu
       on a single stone and
                                                Abimelech be your
        made the son of
      / ltgsL sdf/Lsf] 5f]/f] clad]              joy, and may you
                                                    v'zL xf];\ .
        his slave girl king
                                                   be his, t !
         because he is
       n]snfO{ ltdLx¿sf] cfˆgf]
          your brother.
        efOsf] gftfn] /fhf agfPsf
              5f} .

         olb xf]Og
      eg] clad]n]saf6
         But if
      not – let fire
      cfuf] lgl:sof];\ /
      come out from
     ltdLx¿nfO{ e:d kf/f];\
     Abimelech and
      consume you
     . ltdLx¿af6 klg cfuf]
     and fire come
      out from you
     lg:s]/ clad]n]snfO{
       to consume
        e:d kf/f];\ .

                                        Gofostf{x¿ (M!^–@!
                                           Judges 9:16-21
                                           Judges 9:16-21
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