Page 26 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 26
tLg jif{kl5 k/d]Zj/n] clad]n]s
after thr years
God sent an evil
/ z]s]dsf gu/jf;Lx¿sf] aLrdf
spirit betw n
kmf6f] kfg{nfO{ Pp6f b'i6fTdf
Abimelech and the
citizens of Shechem.
k7fpg'eof] .
lubf]gsf &) hgf 5f]/fx¿sf] lj?4df ul/Psf] ck/fwsf]
He did this in order to avenge the
abnf lngsf] lglDt k/d]Zj/n] of] ug'{ePsf] lyof] .
crime against Gideon’s 70 sons.
z]s]djf;Lx¿n] 8fF8fsf 6fs'/f 6fs'/fdf 9's]/ a:g] dflg;x¿
The people of Shechem began seing
/fv] ToxfFaf6 eP/ hfg] dflg;x¿nfO{ n'6\gsf lglDt .
men out on the hitops and road-
ways to rob people as they paed by.
ltgLx¿n] csf{ cu'jfk|lt cfˆgf] e/f];f /fVg
They also began to put their
confidence in another leader…
yfn] .
d]/f] dt ufn
/ pgsf bfh'efOx¿nfO{
vote is with
hfg]5, pgLx¿n] xfdLnfO{
G l and his
g]t[Tj u?g\ .
brothers to d]/f]
lead us.
klg . xfdLn]
I as we ,
we should
cfˆg} cu'jf rog
pick our own
ug'{k5{ .
Gofostf{x¿ (M@@–@^
Judges 9:22-26
Judges 9:22-26