Page 20 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 20

Te  us  Here are Zebah and  tfaf]/                                      Jether, my son,
                                                                          o]t]/, d]/f] 5f]/f, t]/f]
       What kind
                                            ltgLx¿ d]/f
 the names of  Zalmu a about  df ltdLx¿n] df/]sf   Those were          draw your sword
       of men did
 a  the o icials  whom you taunted  dflg;x¿ s:tf lyP <  bfh'efOx¿ lyP, d]/}   t/jf/ y't\ / t]/} xftåf/f oL
                                                                       and ki  these two
                                         my brothers,
 in your town of  me and refused  you ki  at  the sons of my             kings with your
                                                                         b'O{ /fhfx¿nfO{ df/\ .
oth.  to f d my  Tabor?             cfdfsf 5f]/fx¿ . k/                own hands.
 men.                                     own mother.
                                          dk|e'sf] zky vfP/
                             tkfO{+x¿          As surely
                             Men like
                                              as the Lord
                          h:t} lyP– x/]ssf]   d eGb5' ls olb
                             you– each
                                            lives, if you had
                            one with the
                                            ltdLx¿n] ltgLx¿nfO{
                          cg'xf/ /fhfsf 5f]/  spared their lives,
                            bearing of
                             a prince.
                                              I would not
                          fx¿sf] h:t} lyof] .  lhpFb} 5f]l8lbPsf eP d
                                                ki  you.
                                            ltdLx¿nfO{ dfg]{ lyOgF .
 Give them enough lashes
 to remember to help
 their defenders the
 next time they have
 the oortunity.

           do it your-
           cfkmF} ugf]{;\ g .

                                                                         h:tf] db{, To:t} p;sf] k/
                                                                          “As is a man, so
                                                                         is his strength.”
                                                                             fqmd x'G5 .

 the men of
 Peniel wi
 pay their

 Pu  down
 the tower and
 ki  the rest
 of the men of
 the city.
 I want
 a  to know
 the price of
                                           Judges 8:18-21
                                           Judges 8:18-21
 Judges 8:13-17                        Gofostf{x¿ *M!*–@!
 Judges 8:13-17
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