Page 18 - Winter 2016 flip 1
P. 18

18 Friends oF red rock canyon
           (Making it Happen...We’re working for You - continued from page 17)
                                  Chuck Williams – Red Rock Ambassador and Cultural Resources Chair

                                   Chuck, past Friends President, chairs the Red Rock Ambassador Program and the Cultural
                                Resources Committee. He also is a volunteer for the Natural Resources Committee and the
                                Tortoise Habitat Team. Cultural Resources members monitor and conduct site assessments
                                of historic and prehistoric sites in Red Rock Canyon and the ambassadors provide visitor
                                contact information outside of the Visitor Center.

                   Pat Williams – Treasurer, Communications, Newsmagazine and Policy Review

               In addition to her board position as Friends Treasurer, Pat is the “face” of Friends
             as chair of the committees that let the public know about the work being done by
             Friends. She oversees the magazine as well as designs the annual Visions of Red
             Rock calendar. Pat also assists with the Annual Photo Contest, the quarterly meetings
             and Volunteer Awards and Volunteer Appreciation Awards Program.

                                        Shari Young – Secretary
                                        Shari and her husband Jeff moved to Las Vegas in 2014 from south central Penn-
                                       sylvania where they had a small farm. They fell in love with Red Rock Canyon on
                                       visits to the area even before they moved here after Shari retired from Mars Choco-
                                       late. New to the Friends Board, Shari also volunteers for the Southern Nevada Milk-
                                       weed Project as well as the Ronald McDonald House.

      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon

                      Select your member level: Individual: _____ $25/1 Year    _____ $45/2 Years
                                            Joint/Family:_____ $35/1 Year     _____ $63/2 Years
                                            White Rock: _____ $125/1 Year   _____ $225/2 Years
                                            Calico Hills: _____ $250/1 Year   _____ $450/ 2 Year
                                            Turtlehead: _____ $500/ 1 Year   _____ $900/ 2 Years
                                            Mt. Wilson: _____ $1000/1 Year   _____ $1800/ 2 Years

                Credit Card Payment: _________________________________________________  Exp: ______
                                     Type:                    Visa                  MasterCard       Discover
                                                   Mail form and payment to:
                                Friends of Red Rock Canyon   P.O. Box 97     Blue Diamond, NV  89004

               the Rock - Volume 7 Issue 2
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