Page 15 - Winter 2016 flip 1
P. 15

Friends oF red rock canyon     15

                                                                       Willow Spring handprints. These pictographs
                                                                       are located in the Willow Springs Picnic Area
                                                                       behind a fenced area. Although the on-site images
                                                                       are very faded, you can see them with an effort.
                                                                       This photo was taken by Donald Herman in ap-
                                                                       proximately 2012 and was creatively enhanced to
                                                                       highlight the handprints and boost the colors.
                                                                                        Enhanced photo by Don Herman

                 In addition to the natural beauty of Red Rock Can-  four-wheel drive along a dirt road. We’ve been
               yon, there are also precious reminders of the ancient   monitoring a site at Red Rock for nine years and
               people who used the canyon.                         have really enjoyed getting to know every ancient
                                                                   drawing. It’s amazing how the changing seasons and
                 Have you visited Willow Springs and seen the      light alter the artwork. We’re seeing new things all
               handprints or hiked the Petroglyph Trail? Many visi-  of the time!
               tors have enjoyed and appreciated the pictographs
               and petroglyphs but a few have intentionally or unin-
               tentionally damaged the images. It is more important
               than ever to protect these resources.

                 The Nevada Site Stewardship Program (NSSP) is a
               state-run organization that trains volunteers to moni-
               tor historic and prehistoric sites. After completing a
               six-hour training course, volunteers are assigned a
               site to monitor. The site stewards are asked to visit
               the site at least four times a year and report any hu-
               man caused impacts such as graffiti or looting and
               any natural impacts such as erosion or fire damage.
                 There are about a dozen sites at Red Rock Can-
               yon. Some of the sites are accessible from the scenic   Petroglyph Trail
               drive and others require driving a high clearance                                 Photo by Roger Kolar

         Petroglyph panel with graffiti in 2015.                Same petroglyph panel as inked in approximately 2006.
                                           Friends Archival Photo                                  Friends Archival Photo

         As more visitors come to Red Rock, we need more eyes on the resources. If you are interested in becoming a Cultural
         Resource team member, contact Chuck Williams at
         Contact Roger or Sue Kolar at or visit the NSSP website at
         for more information about becoming a Site Steward.

                                                                                                 Winter 2017
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