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10 Friends oF red rock canyon

           Friends of Red Rock Canyon

                      hat happens when you get a dedicated group of people together who are passionate about
               W protecting and conserving their public lands? You end up with some incredible volunteers who
             are happy to donate close to 28,000 hours of their time and talents in the past year working for the future   By Pat Williams    Photos by Liz Carmer & Roger Hembree
             of a much-loved area.

               Friends of Red Rock Canyon are very proud to honor our members who give so much of themselves for   Recreation Planner) with Tim Harrison
             the preservation of Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. Thank you to the 100 plus members   representing our host, Bonnie Springs
             and guests who attended the November celebration of individual and committee achievements and to the   Ranch.
             Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Bonnie Springs for their continuing support.
                                                                                                                 Catrina Williams, assisted by Cal Howell
                                              Friends Volunteers Rock!                                         and Kathy August, presented Red Rock
                                                                                                               Canyon Annual Passes to twenty-three
                                                               riends’ members gathered on a sunny No-
                                                           Fvember afternoon to enjoy a barbecue honor-
                                                          ing their volunteer achievements in the past year.
                                                          This annual event is our opportunity to tangibly and
                                                          verbally thank those who play an invaluable role in
                                                          keeping Red Rock Canyon as pristine as possible.
                                                          Our volunteers educate visitors, improve the trails,
                                                          award grants, care for Rock Stars, help build com-
                                                          munity volunteerism, fund-raise and so much more.

              Best “comfort food?” Barbecue chicken with cowboy beans  President Tom Lisby welcomed our guests and   Catrina Williams and Cal Howell presenting “Volunteers
                                                          members before inviting everyone to dig into a bar-          Rock” to Friends Volunteer Committees.
                                                          becue lunch including chicken and an array of sides.
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
                                                          Joining Friends in our celebration were representa-
                                                          tives from our partners: REI – David Richards (Out-
                                                          door Training Specialist) and the Southern Nevada
                                                          Conservancy – Jana Dagerman (Director of Retail
                                                          Sales) and Janis Kadlec (Director of Interpretive
                                                          Programing). The BLM was represented by Catrina
                                                          Williams (Field Manager – Red Rock and Sloan
                                                          Canyon National Conservation Areas), Cal Howell
                   Catrina Williams, BLM Field Manager,   (Volunteer Coordinator) and Kathy August (Outdoor   Canyon Cleanup Team Members Carol Swearingen. Gail Surgent
                                                                                                                 and Bonita Kern agree the Volunteers Rock!
                        presenting Annual Passes
                The Bronze Awardees - They volunteered between 100 and 249 hours last year!    The Silver Awardees - They volunteered between 250 and 499 hours last year!

                 Front Row: Tom Lisby (President) Cheryl Stereff, Patricia Potter (Vice President)   Front Row: Bob Furtek, Carol Swearingen, Patricia Potter, Jodie Hembree. Jan Shevor-
                 Linda Vetter, Diane Stephens, Barb Ulmer, Kuniaki Nagai  Back Row: Stuart Stenzel,   ski, Liz Carmer  Back Row: Kristi Weeks, Harold Larson, Tom Lisby, Joe Labie, Gerry
                 Gareth Pearson, Vivienne Toliusis, Edwina Lebrecque, Mike Evans, Vicki Ashenfelter,   Wojciechowski, Roger Hembree
                 Eric Rebstock, Harry Weldon

               the Rock - Volume 7 Issue 2
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