Page 11 - Winter 2016 flip 1
P. 11
Friends oF red rock canyon 11
By Pat Williams Photos by Liz Carmer & Roger Hembree
Recreation Planner) with Tim Harrison members who had donated over 40
representing our host, Bonnie Springs hours of their time in the past year
Ranch. followed by awarding 32 America
the Beautiful Passes to our members
Catrina Williams, assisted by Cal Howell who had accumulated more than
and Kathy August, presented Red Rock 250 volunteer hours. Ms. Williams Twenty-Year Friends Members Marianne Slagle and Harry Weldon
Canyon Annual Passes to twenty-three and Mr. Howell then recognized and thanked by Patricia Potter (Vice President) and Tom Lisby (President)
thanked Friends individual volunteer
teams with special “Volunteers Rock!”
awards as a token of the BLM’s appre-
ciation for their collective efforts.
President Lisby and Vice President
Patricia Potter congratulated and
thanked members Marianne Slagle
and Harry Weldon for their twenty-
year commitment to and member-
Catrina Williams and Cal Howell presenting “Volunteers ship in Friends of Red Rock Canyon. Outgoing president Chuck Williams was recognized by Patricia
Rock” to Friends Volunteer Committees. Potter (Vice President) and Tom Lisby (President)
Also joining the “20 Year Club” this
year were absent members Ken and
Roberta Osgood and Norman and Bar-
bara Wolin. Lisby and Potter formally
thanked past president Chuck Wil-
liams for his leadership with a small
listing of his contributions as well as
an Amazon gift card.
Past director Joe Labie then had the
Canyon Cleanup Team Members Carol Swearingen. Gail Surgent honor of announcing the recipients of
and Bonita Kern agree the Volunteers Rock! Sue Kolar, Life Time Call to Service Award recipient, honored by
Patricia Potter (Vice President) and Tom Lisby (President)
The Silver Awardees - They volunteered between 250 and 499 hours last year! The Gold Awardees - They volunteered over 500 hours last year!
Front Row: Bob Furtek, Carol Swearingen, Patricia Potter, Jodie Hembree. Jan Shevor- Patricia Potter (Vice President) Barb Bergstrom, Tom Lisby (President) Mary
ski, Liz Carmer Back Row: Kristi Weeks, Harold Larson, Tom Lisby, Joe Labie, Gerry Labie, Roger Kolar, Sue Kolar, Pat Williams, Chuck Williams
Wojciechowski, Roger Hembree
(Continued on page 12)
Winter 2017