Page 12 - Winter 2016 flip 1
P. 12
12 Friends oF red rock canyon
(Volunteers Rock - continued from page 11)
the Presidential Call to Service Awards. Friends honor
annual volunteer milestones with three levels of ser-
vice awards: Bronze (100 to 249 hours), Silver (250 to
499 hours) and Gold (over 500 hours donated time). In
addition to the annual Call to Service Awards, a Life-
time Award of Service was presented to Susan Kolar
recognizing her amazing 4,000 hours of service since
joining the Red Rock Canyon family in 2001. All award
recipients were presented with a service pin as well as
Volunteer Appreciation Rewards from Friends of Red Nancy Knapp and Claire Ward,
Rock Canyon. Raffle Artists, who created the baskets
and prize displays.
Following the Volunteer
Appreciation Awards, almost So, who was responsible
$5,000 in art, clothing, gift for all this?
baskets and gift cards were
won during the cost-defray- Raffle Donors
ing raffle. Elements Gift & Book Store
Jafra Beauty Products
Members and guests took
Vivienne Toliusis and Barb Ulmer Off Broadway Shoes
examining raffle prizes advantage of the social Patagonia
period before and after the
barbecue and awards portion to peruse more than 35 do- REI
nated raffle prizes and purchase their tickets. They de- Jim & Cam Camburn
posited their raffle tickets in just-the-right prize baskets Jackie Coffey
in hopes that theirs would Tom & Nancy Knapp
be the Magic Ticket. Sue & Roger Kolar
Mary & Joe Labie
Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
The most coveted items, Patricia Potter
including $200 men’s and John & Sharon Schaaf
ladies “Puffer” jackets Vicki Sudduth
from Patagonia ™ and Marilyn & Rob Tuvell
artwork from member Rob Kelly Wallenfang
Tuvell, were the last items Chuck & Pat Williams
to be awarded. Some of the gift baskets available Jeff & Shari Young
Thank you Friends Volunteers! You truly Rock!
Left: Kevin Cardiff checking the raffle Event Fairies
list for the ladies Patagonia jacket Claire Desmond Ward
Judi & Dwight Hempel
Nancy & Tom Knapp
Roger & Sue Kolar
Joe & Mary Labie
John & Sharon Schaaf
Right: Bonita Kern, Vicki Sudduth
winner, and artist Rob Linda & Gary Vetter
Tuvell with the final Kristi Weeks
prize, acrylic painting Pat & Chuck Williams
“The Gathering” Gerry & Terrie Wojciechowski
the Rock - Volume 7 Issue 2