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14 Friends oF red rock canyon

                                                                                     By Chuck Williams &
                                                                                     Roger and Sue Kolar

                      riends of Red Rock Canyon’s Culture        County and in 2015 published a history book
                  F Resource Committee was reactivated in        about Red Rock Canyon, “Seekers, Saints &
                2001 at the request of the Bureau of Land Man-   Scoundrels.” The book was researched, written
                agement (BLM) and asked to document Native       and edited by committee volunteers over a three
                American rock art sites                                                year period. Friends of
                within Red Rock Can-                                                   Red Rock Canyon was
                yon. The BLM felt that                                                 able to publish the book
                these sites were most in                                               assisted by a grant from
                danger of being damaged                                                the City of Las Vegas
                by nature or vandalism.                                                Historic Preservation
                                                                                       Commission. The book
                  Over the next ten years,                                             was printed in the USA
                the members volunteered                                                on recycled paper with
                over 10,000 hours docu-                                                all proceeds going to
                menting eighteen major                                                 Friends of Red Rock
                rock art sites within Red                                              Canyon.
                Rock Canyon and one
                site at the Desert Na-                                                   Currently the commit-
                tional Wildlife Preserve                                               tee has been tasked by
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
                managed by the US Fish                                                 BLM Archeologist Mark
                & Wildlife Service. The                                                Boatwright with com-
                finished documentation                                                 pleting site assessments
                contains drawings for   Falling Man Site                               at over 300 pre-historic
                over 500 panels of rock                                 Friends Archives              sites within Red Rock
                art detailing 8,955 indi-                                              Canyon. Our volunteers
                vidual motifs.                                             will use existing older documentation
                                                                           to locate the sites and then update the
                  The group was honored by the BLM                         records using GPS data, photos, maps
                with the 2010 National Volunteer Award                     and detailed site descriptions.
                “Making a Difference” on the Public
                Lands for their work in documenting                          What’s involved with site assess-
                and preserving the cultural sites within                   ments and updating the records? The
                the conservation area. During this same                    assigned teams will first try to locate
                period, the committee invested over   Falling Man Inking   the site based on the existing documen-
                800 hours organizing, scanning and            Friends Archives                tation. In some cases this many not be
                indexing thousands of historic docu-                       possible based on vague site descrip-
                ments and photos from the Eileen Green archives.   tions, old topo maps and lack of GPS coordinates.
                These archives are now available to researchers in   Once a site is located, a complete new survey is
                a searchable database.                           executed including a site sketch, measurements,
                                                                 photos, environmental data, natural or human
                  In the past few years, the volunteers have as-  threats and recommendations if management ac-
                sisted in documenting other rock art sites in Clark   tions are needed.

               the Rock - Volume 7 Issue 2
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