Page 13 - Winter 2016 flip 1
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Friends oF red rock canyon 13
Nature’s Connection
By Margie Klein
Nature Therapy
I took an ecopsychology course from the Project NatureConnect program a few years ago and was
in awe of the 54 different ways (webstrings) in which we interconnect with the elements of nature. On
so many levels, humans can relate their daily experiences to stimuli received from nature – mental,
spiritual, and physical, including resonance, balancing, grounding and many others.
Project NatureConnect was founded by Dr. Michael J. Cohen. Visit their website at
eeling anxious? Overwhelmed? feeling connected to something that at
F Depressed? Our society is fraught the same time touches our inner core but
with anxiety, for many reasons. Caring is also bigger than ourselves. If you’re
for family, worrying about the future, familiar with the food web, you can
dealing with everyday stress… how do understand the concept of webstrings
we cope with it? The inspiring landscape that connect us with the universal natural
at Red Rock Canyon may have just the world. According to ecopsychologists, the
answer you’re looking for. It’s called natural world is a resource that is always
nature therapy and it’s become very available to us. We can draw from our
popular. Research has shown that just relationship with nature and also contrib-
spending some time outdoors in nature ute to it.
can lower blood pressure, help your
focus and give you a new perspective. In Scientific research papers detail the
addition, a good walk or other physical mechanisms of how nature connection
activity outside can help you get and stay works on us. But most of us can acknowl-
in shape, improving your resilience. edge the effects that certain things have,
like the lulling sound of a running creek,
Folks in different cultures and in times the feel of a soft breeze on your cheek
past have long known the benefits of and the invigorating smell of the desert
nature. Many “old school” folks like my- after a rain. Take for example, the effect
self will remember a childhood playing of sunshine on most people’s dispositions.
outside, with no worries about ecopho- In the winter, folks in other parts of the
bia or stranger danger. But nowadays, country may suffer from seasonal affec-
younger Americans are having to relearn tive disorder (SAD), from too much gray
the value of being in nature. Environmen- and a lack of sun. The energy of the sun
tal educators know how to capitalize on literally lights up our mood. No matter
the benefits of getting children outdoors what’s ailing us - we feel better when it’s
in the wild. The kids have a chance to sunny out.
expend their boundless energy while
many amazing things capture their atten- Recently I heard a quote by Louis
tion. And besides learning lessons about Brandeis and thought it could be applied
nature, they pick up some life lessons to nature therapy: “Sunlight is the best
along the way. disinfectant.”
So enjoy these sunny Mojave winter
The psychological benefits come from
days and get your happy on!
First Creek - Background photo by Cheryl Hobbs
Winter 2017