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The Team also has fun and, as some of our sites are only accessible
         by high clearance, four-wheel drive vehicles, the trip can become an

         adventure in itself. You might see the team hiking across the desert,
         carrying ladders, camp chairs, photography and drawing supplies in
         addition to their personal gear. One of the team members, James

         Kotrba, arrives on his motorcycle after working the graveyard shift.
         He is the designated
         mountain goat. James
         will use his rock
         climbing skills to reach

         the remote spots that
         elude the senior team
         members. The documentation of a particularly challenging canyon

         would not have been possible without James’ training, rock climbing
         skills and fearless attitude.

         According to Chuck, “One of my most memorable moments came

         when Lorrie Vavak and I were hiking to a remote site. Lorrie lost her   A Gentle Reminders
                                                                               for Poohhhch Owners
         balance and sat on a well placed Beavertail Cactus.  Being the            Dont forget water for your pet.
                                                                                     Leave no trace of your pet.
         gentleman that I am, I helped her remove the cactus spines from her     Dispose of your dog’s poo properly.
         nether regions. The group came over the hill and stopped dead on             Keep your pet on a leash.
                                                                                          We don’t want your pet in the
         the trail at the site of the emergency surgery.  The great cactus               food chain.
         keister caper event has been embellished over years causing Lorrie

         and me to be the butt of many jokes.

         “Bonuses experienced by the  eld drawers are the occasional
         sighting of wildlife.”   said Martha Burk.  “Perhaps the very fact that
         our work is exacting and requires quiet concentration is the reason
         animals often show up either unaware of our presence or unafraid of

         these humans sitting quietly. My favorite experience happened while
         I was working with Claire McLaughlin in a serene canyon in complete
         silence. A hummingbird  ew up to the colorful Pictograph panels we
         were drawing, Martha remembers, “It was just hovering there, inches
         away, scanning the panel as if he was enjoying the images as much
         as we were. That little bird never noticed us, but kept coming back
         for look after look.

         The Friends members working on the Cultural Resource Team share a

         passion for the preservation of these fragile and threatened treasures
         of Red Rock Canyon. They are racing against time to document the
         remnants of our past before the images fade forever. The members
         of the Cultural Resource Team are truly Keepers of the Canyon.

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