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            by Aaron Leifheit

        In an art gallery anyone can have the chance to look at a masterpiece, but how many can put themselves in the artist’s
        shoes as he paints in his studio?  Here at Red Rock Canyon we still have that opportunity.  We can still step inside our
        artists’ studios and view works of art in their original context.  We need to protect such places just like any great work of
        art should be preserved

                                                                                   Fortunately, we have a very
                                                                                   spirited group of people dedi-
                                                                                   cated to protecting our cultural
                                                                                   resources, including the Charcoal
                                                                                   Cave mentioned above.  The
                                                                                   Cultural Resources Committee
                                                                                   inventories rock art, and monitors
                                                                                   its location and condition. They
                                                                                   also help protect these irreplace-
                                                                                   able cultural treasures.  In appre-
                                                                                   ciation of their e orts, they were
                                                                                   presented a national volunteer
                                                                                   award for Making a Di erence on
                                                                                   Public Lands.  They’re doing a
                                                                                   great job, but they need your
                                                                                   help.  Red Rock Canyon is a huge
                                                                                   place and it’s visited by 1.5
                                                                                   million people a year, many of
                                                                                   whom are unaware of the impor-
                                                                                   tance of our cultural treasures.
                                                                                   There are numerous  places in
                                                                                   Red Rock Canyon that need

                                                                                   For more information, or to help
                                                                                   out, call 702-515-5366.

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