Page 10 - oct mag5a_Neat
P. 10

Canyon Keepers (page 5)
     drawing a  nished representation of each site panel. The

      nished product includes all  eld notes and photos as well as
     the representation produced by the Inking Committee. Every-
     thing is then scanned and compiled into a custom data base.

     This limited access data base is used by the Cultural Team for
     training and research.

                                                                                   Linda Vetter inking

                                                                    Rose Keough

     Our members volunteer for Cultural Resources for a variety of reasons. Rose Keough expresses it this way, “I

     love and am fascinated by the art.  For me it doesn’t need interpretation. I  nd it very spiritual.  I enjoy draw-
     ing the art, the sounds and quiet of the desert, the opportunity to visit sites and do a bit of hiking and explo-
     ration.  I also enjoy the camaraderie of di erent folks, all with a common goal.” Rose said, “One of my most
     memorable experiences was overcoming my fear of vertigo long enough to make the climb a recording site.”

                       James Kotrba

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