Page 6 - HM-700 說明書
P. 6
2 安裝說明
B. 電源選擇(Power Supply) Installation Statement
1. 電源插座負載至少 20 安培,專供飲水機使用,
The outlet’s load should be at least 20A and it should be
three holes with ground wire. If the outlet does not have the
ground wire hole, please add the ground wire assuredly.
2. 飲水機電源線長度不足需加延長線時,請使用 三 孔 式 插 頭
合格單座式之延長線(20 安培以上),延長線不
宜超過 10 公尺,避免接觸不良。
If the electric cord’s length is not long enough and needs an
extended line, Please use a qualified one with single socket
(20A upward). The extended line’s length should not be
longer than 10 meters.
C. 水源選擇(Selection of Water Supply)
1. 進水水源溫度不得超過 40℃以上,避免縮短 RO 管之壽命。
Water supply’s temperature can not be higher than 40℃, in order to avoid the
shortening of RO pipe’s lifetime.
2. 進水水壓應在 0.7 ㎏/C ㎡~5 ㎏/C ㎡範圍內。
Water supply’s pressure is accepted between 0.7kg/cm ~5 kg/cm .
3. 進水水壓若超過 5 ㎏/ C ㎡以上,應請專業技術人員加裝降壓閥或採取相關措
If water supply’s pressure is higher than 5kg/cm2, please ask a professional technician to install a
pressure reducing valve or any relative measure, in order to avoid the unusual states of RO and water
dispenser’s structure from high water pressure.
4. 水源應採用自來水源,若使用地下水會降低飲水機與純水機的使用壽命。
Use the tap water as water supply. If use the groundwater, it will reduce the lifetime of the RO and water
5. 進水管路應遠離火源、易燃物、化學物質等。
Water supply’s pipe should be distant from the fire, inflammable objects, chemicals, and so forth.
6. 進水管路應作良好保護,避免彎折或受到外力破壞
Water supply’s pipe should be protected and avoid the twisting or any damage by outside force.