Page 11 - HM-700 說明書
P. 11

保 養 與 注 意 事 項
                                                                 Maintenance & Attention

            1.飲水機保養(Maintenance of the water dispenser)

               1. 禁止使用非自來水之不良水源,以確保飲水機之壽命。
                  Only the tap water is allowed to use, please do not use any other water source in order to assure the
                  life of the water dispenser.

               2. 請勿將茶葉、果汁、咖啡….等倒入接水盒,且須經常清洗接水盒,以免阻塞排水
                          Please do not leave tealeaves, juice, coffee, and so forth into the drip tray, and the drip tray needs to
                          be cleaned often so the pipe will not block up and stink.

               3. 長時間停用時,請將電源關閉,確保安全,再度使用時,請聯絡經銷商服務人員,
                   If the water dispenser is not going to use for a long time, please shut the power off for safety. When
                   reusing it, please contact the dealer for maintenance and exchange the water tank’s water and filters
                   for    keeping the water’s quality.

               4. 本飲水機裝有漏電斷路器,需至少每月測試漏電断路器,
                  This water dispenser has the leakage circuit breaker, and it needs to be
                  tested at least once a month. Please contact the dealer to repair it if the
                  power doesn’t shut off after you press the test button.

               5. 飲水機外表經常擦拭,以保持清潔。                                            測試鍵
                  Please wipe the water dispenser often for keeping it clean.

            2.過濾器保養(Maintenance of the filter)

               ◎  濾心至少每週清洗一次,以免雜質留積衍生細菌。

                    Filters need clean at least once a week for keeping impurities away or they breed germs.

               ◎  濾心每 2-3 個月必須更換,若水質較差或使用量大時需提早更換。
                     Please renew filters every 2 or 3 months. If the water source’s quality is not good or use the water
                            dispenser many a time, then the filters need to renew early.

               ◎  濾心請使用原廠濾心,以確保飲水品質。
                    Please use the original manufacturer’s filters for keeping the water’s quality.
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