Page 13 - HM-700 說明書
P. 13

簡       易       故      障       排       除
                                                                 Simple  problem  solving

            1. 無法出水時(Water cannot flow out)

                         可能原因                                             排除方法
                      Possible reasons                                     Methods

                   水源無水(停水)                                              待水源供水
                  Water supply has no water                            Wait for the water

                      水源水壓不足                           水壓不足(水源壓力 0.7kg/c ㎡-5kg/c ㎡)
            Water source’s pressure is not enough      The water pressure is between 0.7kg/cm and 5kg/cm .

                         濾心阻塞                                   更換濾心,請使用原廠濾心
                       Filter is blocked                       Renew the filter and use quality filter

                     純水機無法製水                                        連絡本公司人員維修
                    Ro cannot make water.                     Please contact our technician for repair.

            2. 水龍頭不停出水(Water keep flowing and non-stop)
                         可能原因                                             排除方法

                      Possible reasons                                      Methods

                     出水電磁閥損壞                                先關閉電源並連絡本公司人員維修

                 Electromagnetic valve failed       Switch off the power first and contact our technician for repair.

                     連續出水啟動中                             連續出水啟動中,需再按壓ㄧ次出水鈕
                 Flow Continuously setting on                press Flow Continuously button again

            3. 無電源(No power)

                    可能原因                                              排除方法
                  Possible reasons                                     Methods
                                       線,需更換電線(線心需 2.0mm 以上,  單一插座式)
                   電源無來電                 Examine the power equipment because it might cut off or the outer electric
               Power source’s problem     cord’s dimension is too small and causes the power failure, which needs to
                                         exchange the electric cord. (Thickness of the cord need to be thicker than
                                         2.0mm, single outlet style)

                 漏電断路跳電                飲水機漏電,請關閉電源與水源。並聯絡本公司人員維修
               Leakage circuit breaker     The water dispenser has the leakage of electricity, please turn off the power
                                        and water supply; moreover, contact our company’s technician for repair.
            causes the power interruption

                                       1.檢查面板下之保險絲是否燒毀(規格 20A)
                                       2.檢查微電腦控制面板上之保險絲是否燒毀(規格 0.25A)
                   保險絲燒毀                 ◎  Inside the lower front faceplate, check the fuse whether it is burned or not.
                   Fuse burnout            (Standard-20A)
                                           Check the Microcomputer Control Panel’s fuse whether it is burned or
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