Page 8 - HM-700 說明書
P. 8
2 安裝說明
Installation Statement
*若進水管需外接 30 公尺以上時,需檢查水源是否會降壓。
If the pipe extra needs to be longer than 30 meters, it needs a test about the water pressure is reduced or
Connect the pipe with RO and there is a RO appropriative plug inside of the water dispenser, so please
plug in the RO.
Warning: The water dispenser that is without RO needs to install the electromagnetic valve or the
hot-water tank will be full and cause the water leaking and the leakage of electric.
B. 排水安裝(Drainage Installation) 飲水機背面圖
1. 使用 6 分 PVC 彎管,插入排水口並接上 PVC 直管或 排水口
軟管將廢水出口接至地面排水口。 6分
Use 3/4-inch PVC elbow, insert it to the drainage opening and join
the PVC pipe or hose which lead to ground drainage. 接入 PVC
*排水管建議用 PVC 管 4 分以上。
Use 1/2-inch PVC pipe or larger one as a drainpipe.
*若使用軟管時,請使用水管 4 分以上,防止阻塞,需注意不可彎折。
When using a hose, please use 1/2-inch pipe or larger one. The pipe cannot be bent.
Special attention:Do not let food waste or things get in and block up the pipe.
C. 電源開啟(Switch On)
1. 水源與排水完成後,先插上電源線(需注意電壓是否
正確),打開下面板 ,開啟漏電斷路器後純水機方可
開始製水,漏電段路器開啟方式如右圖 ,如熱開水
溫度升至 100℃ 時 即可飲用。
After the installation of water supply and drainage, plug in the water 向上開啟
dispenser first. (Make sure the Voltage is correct)Open the lower
faceplate and switch on the leakage circuit breaker, so the RO
starts to make water. The method is as the right figure. The water
can be used when hot water temperature reach 100℃.