Page 10 - HM-700 說明書
P. 10
3 使 用 說 明
H o w T o U s e
缺水中 水質/溢水 DIGITAL
A 4 ______℃ G H
熱水鎖定 C D 連續出水
5 熱開水 溫開水 冰開水 6
♨ ~ ❆
1 2 3
2. 功能說明(Function Instruction)
A. 再沸騰功能:如熱開水溫度低於 100 ℃時,請按下編號(4)再沸騰鍵燈號(A)
再沸騰燈即亮起,並立即將熱開水加熱至 100 ℃。
Reboiling Function: If hot water temperature is under 100℃, please press NO(4) Re-boil button; and then
light(A) Re-boil is on. Afterward the hot water will be heated until 100℃.
B. 連續出水功能:如需大量取用開水時,請按下編號(6)連續出水鍵即可連續一分
Flow Continuously Function: If you want to get large capacity of water, please press NO(6) Flow
Continuously button and equally light(F) Flow Continuously is on.
Afterwards, press any outlet button, and then the flowing can continue for 1
minute. Press the outlet button one more time can stop the flowing.
C. 熱水鎖定功能:此飲水機含有熱水出水鎖住功能,防止兒童燙傷。若需解除
Hot Water Lock Function: This water dispenser offer automatic hot water lock for children’s safety. Press
NO(5) Hot Water Lock button can unlock the hot water.