Page 12 - HM-700 說明書
P. 12

保 養 與 注 意 事 項
                                                                 Maintenance & Attention

            3.保固期(Warranty period)

               1.  本機器自購買日起一年內,於正常使用狀態下,本公司免費修復(不含耗
                    This water dispenser has one-year limited warranty since you purchased it. Under normal usage, the
                   component can be exchanged or repaired for free in case it is out of order. (Does not include filters
                   and consumables)

                  不立即維修,因此導致意外或飲水機功能異常, 本公司不負保固之責。
                  Our company does not have the responsibility of the warranty if the owner does not follow the
                  Instruction Manual to maintain the water dispenser, it is under irregular usage, or it does not repair
                  immediately when having damage, and then cause accident or its function is out of order.


                        Our company does not have the responsibility of the warranty if other company’s technician repairs the
                        water dispenser, and therefore cause it has damage.

                 4 請使用原廠濾材;使用來路不明之濾心,導致飲水機故障或飲水品質下
                      降  ,本公司不負保固之責。

                  Please use the original manufacturer’s filters. Use the filter which have appeared from nowhere and
                  therefore cause the water dispenser broken or lower the water quality, our company will not bear the
                  responsibility of the warranty.

                   以減少損失,並保留現場,以備保險公司勘查  。

                  This product has commodity liability insurance, please adopt a necessary reasonable method for
                  reducing the loss and keep the scene for insurer when there is an accident.
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