Page 14 - 2020 7th St Presentation
P. 14
L:\21-133 Toscana 2020 7th St S\ALD-Dwgs\21-133.dwg, 9/12/2021 10:27:40 PM, AutoCAD PDF (General Documentation).pc3
Pool Coping Detail Pool Coping Detail Spa Section Spa Section
A1 Scale: 1" = 1'-0" Provide Option for Square Coping A2 Scale: 1" = 1'-0" B1 Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" B2 Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0"
L:\21-133 Toscana 2020 7th St S\ALD-Dwgs\21-133.dwg, Plotted on 9/12/2021 10:27:41 PM by Christian Andrea
Stone Coping
(material tbd)
Provide option for 6'-10" 7'-8"
Provide option for
Schluter Drain Material Schluter Drain Material 1'-6" 4'-6" 10" 10" 1'-6" 3' 1'-6" 10"
Stone Deck TBD 1 - 1 Thick Planter 1 - 1 Thick
Stone Coping TBD Stone Coping TBD Stone Deck TBD 3 3 3 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE
1"+/- Mortar Angle Top of Wall " Angle Top of Wall " Angle Top of Wall "
1' 1' Waterline Waterline
4" 2780 S. Horseshoe Drive Suite 5
6" Naples, FL 34104
4 1 " 2 Water Surface Water Surface (239) 430-1661
1'-8" Tile (Opt.) 1'-8"
4" Concrete Slab w/ 6" Waterline Tile 6" Waterline Tile
6"x6" 10 gau. Welded Pebblecrete Finish Pebblecrete Finish 3'-6" Pool Pool Steps 3'-6" Pool Steps License LC26000259
Wire Mesh or Fibercrete Vent Vent
1'-6" Drain Drain 1'-6" Christian Andrea
Pool Beam Pool Beam
3.5' Water Depth 3.5' Water Depth
Compact subgrade 95%
Optimum Proctor Density
Compact subgrade 95%
Optimum Proctor Density License No. 1178
Copyright Architectural Land Design ©
Pool Stairs Detail Chaise Lounge Pool Bench Detail
C Scale: 1" = 1'-0" D Scale: 1" = 1'-0" E Scale: 1" = 1'-0"
1 - 1 Thick
Stone Coping TBD
9' 1 1
Provide option for Provide option for Provide option for 1 - 1 Thick
Schluter Drain Material Schluter Drain Material Schluter Drain Material Stone Coping TBD
Stone Deck TBD Stone Coping 6" Waterline Tile 1' Stone Deck TBD Stone Deck TBD 6" Pool Tile
1"+/- Mortar 6" Pool Tile 1"+/- Mortar
6" Pool Tile 1"+/- Mortar 2
1' Pebblecrete Finish 1' 1 1 "
4 1 " 2 Water Surface 4 1 " 2 4 1 " 2 Water Surface
10 1 "
9" Water Surface 2
4" Concrete Slab w/ 4" Concrete Slab w/ Pool Bench - 18" Water Depth
6"x6" 10 gau. Welded 6"x6" 10 gau. Welded Pebblecrete finish (TBD)
Wire Mesh or Fibercrete 9" 1' Wire Mesh or Fibercrete 1'-6"
2" 2"
Pool Finish Pool Beam
4" Concrete Slab w/
2" Strip of Tile 6"x6" 10 gau. Welded Toscana Residence 2020 7th St. S. City of Naples, FL POOL DETAILS
9" 1' at Edge of Steps (Optional) POOL Wire Mesh or Fibercrete POOL
authorization. Any deviations or inaccuracies need to be brought to the attention of the Owner immediately. * All base information has been provided by others, verification of setbacks, property lines, etc. need to be provided by others. * It is the Contractors responsibility to verify that he has the most current plan. * Contractor shall not scale from plan, use dimensions only. * These plans are the property of Architectural Land Design and may not be used or reproduced without This Document contains information proprietory to ARCHITECTURAL LAND DESIGN and no part of this drawing shall be reproduced or disclosed to others or used for any purpose other than that for which it was furnished, without prior written permission from ARCHITECTURAL LAND DESIGN. Pool Beam 3'-6" 3'-6" optimum proctor density. Pool Beam Concrete Pool Beam 2" Strip of Tile
Compact subgrade 95%
9 1 "
1' 2" at Edge of Bench
finish (TBD)
Compact subgrade 95% 10"
optimum proctor density.
Compact subgrade 95%
optimum proctor density.
Vanishing Edge Section Typical - Pool Beam Channel Drain
Scale: 1" = 1'-0"
Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0"
Glue Stones Together at Channel Drain Gap to NDS Mini or SPEE-D Channel drain grate Contractor to Verify before Installation
Avoid Stone Movement over Channel Drain with U.V. inhibitor or approved equal NDS Mini
1 1 " Vanishing Edge Coping (tbd) Saw cut the drain (12" long cuts with 6" gaps)
Displacement Calculation 2 NDS Mini or SPEE-D Channel
Channel Drain - Perspective View
Calculations based on 3/8" water flowing over the vanishing Channel Drain - Plan View drain or approved equal 1 "
edge. 2
sq ft sq in
Pool Area 890 128,160 See Optional Edge Details 1" +\- Thick Mortar bed Drawing Date: IS 07.09.21
Trough Area 157 22,608 8" Provide Option for Schluter Drain Material
Volume over weir 48,060 cu in Pebble-Crete Surface
Displacement 2.13 in Scale: As Noted
Tile entire face of Edge 2 1-1/2" Stone Patio 1'
Human Factor 50 cu ft 3'-7 1 " 3'-6" Pool Coping (beyond) 4 1 " 2 Pool Pool
10 person displacement 86,400 cu in Pool Deck 21-133
Pump OFF Waterline w/ Waterline Tile (beyond)
(5 cf / person) 1" 4 1 " 2
10 people in the pool
Displacement 3.82 in Pool Waterline 6" Water Surface
TOTAL DISPLACEMENT 5.95 in 1-1/2" Overflow Drain 10" Chamfered corner of the vanishing 8" Glue Stones Together
To be installed at the Pump OFF edge. Tile to the edge. at joints adjacent to Channel Drain 6" Pool Tile
Waterline w/ 10 people in the Human Pool Finish on the angled face of channel drain 4" Concrete Slab w/
6"x6" 10 gau. Welded
pool Displc the vanishing edge Wire Mesh or Fibercrete Pebblecrete Finish
Pool Beam
Pool Beam
Compacted Subgrade
Pool Beam File Name: 21-133.dwg
3' 95% Optimun Proctor Density Bottom Drain End Drain
Water Line Tile 6" Waterline Tile 1 " Thick Stone Coping Adapter Option Adapter Option Architectural Information Provided By:
NDS Mini or SPEE-D Channel Drain 1 Channel Drain Company Name: ----
File Name:
Pump ON Waterline w/ Pool Beam Pool Decking w/ " gap Date: ----
10 people in the pool Mud Set Pavers 1 " 2
Pool Deck Slab 1' 1' Site Information Provided By: ----
Company Name:
Auto Re-Fill Compacted Subgrade File Name: ----
Pump ON Waterline 6" Date: ----
Auto Re-Fill set to this height Compact subgrade 95%
Minimum Water Depth Optimum Proctor Density Saw Cuts within the channel drain grate
Pebble-Crete Surface
Contractor to verify property lines and setbacks before construction.
Contractor must have property lines staked and located,
and must verify plan dimensions and field conditions are consistent.
Any Inconsistencies w/ these plans need to be reported to ALD and the Owner.
Contractor shall verify that he has the most up to date plans, and that they have
Contractor shall verify that he has the most up to date plans, and that they have been approved and accepted by the Owner before commencing construction. been approved and accepted by the Owner before commencing construction.