Page 16 - Course Catalog 20-21
P. 16       COURSE CATALOG & COLLEGE/CAREER PLANNING GUIDE                                    15


        Advancement via Individual Determination          Child Centered Careers and Occupational
                                                          Opportunities (C3O2)—Tokay High School

                                                          The  Tokay  High  Children  Centered  Careers  and
        AVID is a nationally-acclaimed program designed   Occupational  Opportunities  academy  offers  an
        to  increase  school  wide  learning  and  perfor-  introduction to careers involving child develop-
                                                          ment and education. Students study human de-
        mance.    AVID’s  goal  is  to  ensure  that  all  stu-  velopment  and  have  an  opportunity  to  work
        dents,  and  especially  the  least  served  students   with  children  of  all  ages.  The  program  offers
                                                          young men and women the opportunity to:
        in the middle, complete a college prep path. AV-     ·   develop occupational and personal skills
        ID  provides  the  necessary  support,  skills  and      required for employment                       SPECIAL PROGRAMS & ACADEMIES
        higher level thinking for students to succeed in     ·   manage and conserve individual and
                                                                 community resources
        high school, college and beyond. The AVID cur-       ·   build positive interpersonal and family
        riculum  consists  of  seminars  offered  in  note-  ·   relationships
                                                                 reinforce educational skills necessary for
        taking,  study  skills,  time  management,  test-        earning a living
        taking strategies, and effective textbook reading    ·   explore job and career options
        and library research skills. Students must apply
        to  participate  in  the  AVID  program.  AVID  is
        offered at the four comprehensive high schools,   Health  Careers  Academy—McNair High
        as well as Middle College High School.            School

                                                          A  career  in  Health  is  waiting  for  you!  Are  you

                                                          interested  in  being  a  doctor,  surgeon,  physical
        Ag Academy—Lodi High School                       therapist,  registered  nurse,  radiologist,  dentist,
                                                          veterinarian,  medical  assistant  or  other  health
        The  Ag  Academy  is  a  science  and  technology   service related career?  If so, McNair High is the
                                                          place  for  you.    The  Health  Career  Academy  is
        academy that uses integrated curriculum to de-    looking for students interested in pursuing a ca-
        liver subject matter to the students in an inter-  reer  in  the  health  industry.    A  wide  range  of
        esting  and  challenging  manner.  Students  are   coursework will expose students to the medical/
                                                          dental industry and prepare students for these
        placed in small learning communities where the    exciting and rewarding careers.
        academy  teachers  monitor  each  student’s  pro-
        gress.  Communication  between  parents  and
        teachers is an important part of the Ag Acade-    Special Education—All Sites
        my.  The Academy has the ability to prepare stu-
        dents  for  college  through  challenging  college   The Special Education program is open to all stu-
                                                          dents with exceptional learning needs and have
        prep classes. Students that are not ready for a   an  active  Individualized  Education  Plan  (IEP).
        four year university will benefit from the career   There  are  a  wide  variety    of  special  education
        technical education pathway.                      programs within Lodi  Unified School District in
                                                          order  to  best  serve  students  with  exceptional

                                                          learning needs.
        Academy for Preparing Professional Lead-
        ers in  Education (APPLE)—Lodi High School          Resource Specialist Program (RSP)
                                                            Special Day Class (SDC—II)
        The  Apple  Academy  is  a  school-within-a-school     Special Day Class (SDC—MM)
        approach  of  integrated  curriculum  in  four  sub-    Special Day Class (SDC—MS)
                                                            Special Day Class (SDC—SH)
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