Page 23 - Course Catalog 20-21
P. 23

Lodi Unified School District                                        22

                                                     Course Catalog

          Career Technical Education Courses


        Agricultural Business Pathway

         Environmental and Spatial Technology CTE (EAST)                                                  409872

                                                                          Fine Art,                     Ag Business
            LHS       11-12     10                                                             Y
                                                                         Lang, CTE                      Concentrator
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        EAST Lab is a course in which students will use computers to engage in a project-based approach to problem solving. After learning
        how to use the needed tools and appreciating capabilities, students will work independently and in teams to solve real world problems.
        Such problems may involve students in one or more of the following areas:  office automation, computer-aided design, 3-D modeling,
        engineering design, surveying and mapping (including working with global positioning systems), geographic information systems,
        Visual Basic programming, database applications, web page design, digital photo/video editing, and visualization applications.

        Agricultural Mechanics Pathway

         Agricultural Mechanics CTE                                                            403000, 403041

         BCHS, LHS,   9-12      10       Yes – see                        Fine Art,            N          Ag Mech
            THS                           page 21                        Lang, CTE                      Concentrator
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        This course is an introduction to the area of agricultural mechanics including basic drawing, woodworking, metal working, welding,
        small engines and farm power. Emphasis is placed on the safe and proper use of power tools, and the proper care, sharpening and use
        of hand tools.  This course  prepares  students  for the more advanced  skills necessary to be successful in Advanced Agriculture
        Mechanics.  Project work is part of the course.

         Agricultural Welding CTE                                                                         404672

                                         Yes – see                        Fine Art,                       Ag Mech
          BCHS, LHS   10-12     10                        Y                                    Y
                                          page 21                        Lang, CTE                      Concentrator
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        An advanced class designed to prepare students for entry level positions utilizing various welding processes, Oxyacetylene, Electrode,
        MIG and TIG. Curriculum includes: measurement and layout, project design and fabrication, machine ID and maintenance.  Other tools
        incorporated into class; plasma cutter, oxyacetylene cutting, metal shear, grinder, and metal band saw. Students will design and
        fabricate their own projects. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Ag Mechanics CTE.

         Agricultural Mechanics, Advanced CTE                                                             403080

         BCHS, LHS,   11-12     10       Yes – see        Y               Fine Art,            Y          Ag Mech
            THS                           page 21                        Lang, CTE                       Capstone
         Offered At   Grades   Credits  College Credit  Pre/Co-Req  AP/H   Grad Req   A-G   Repeatable   CTE Pathway

        This  course includes Arc and acetylene gas  welding, including theory and practical welding, oxy-acetylene cutting and metal
        preparation, and farm and power equipment maintenance. There is also a review of the safe operation of hand and power tools.  The
        class provides advanced instruction in the repair and maintenance of machinery.  A second year of this class will prepare students to
        construct large pieces of machinery. Personalized individual projects are a major component of the course. Prerequisite: Successful
        completion of Agricultural Welding CTE.
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