Page 128 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
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REFERENCES                                                                                               101
  Marc Hequet, "Creativity !raining Gets Creative," Trait:ins (February 1992), pp. 41-15;            PROBLEM
    Charlene Marmer Soloman, "Creativity Training: What An Idea," Personnel Journal (May             5_QLVIN4
    1990), pp. 64-71; Bennett Davis, "Working the Imagination," USAIR, (September 1988), pp.       TECHNIQUES
  Peter Rodelsky, "The Man Who Mastered Motion," Science (May 1986), pp. 53, 54.

  Magaly Olivero, "Get Crazy! How to Have a Breakthrough Idea," Working Woman (Septem-
    ber 1990), p. 198.

4 Robert W. Boozer, David C. iAryld, and James Grant, "Using Metaphor to Create More Effec-
    tive Sales Messages," Journal of Services Marketing (Summer 1990), pp. 63-71.

  Ikujiro Nonaka, "The Knowledge-Creating Company," Harvard Business Review
    (November-December 1991), p. 100.

  Source unknown.

  Mark Golin, "How to Brainstorm by Yourself ... and Triple the Results," Young Executive (Spring
    1992), p. 75.

  Bryan W. Mattimore, "Breakthroughs: Creatively Destroying the Barriers to Business Inno-
    vation," Success (November 1988), p. 46.

9 Arthur B. VanGundy, Creative Problem Solving (New York: Quorum Books, 1987), pp. 123-124.

" Charles S. Whiting, "Operational Techniques of Creative Thinking," Advanced Management
     (October 1955), p. 26.

" Dan Koberg and Jim Bagnall, universal Raveler (Los Altos, CA: William Kaufman, Inc., 1974),
    P. 50.

'2 Michael Michalko, Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Business Creativity for the 1990s, (Berkeley, CA:
    Ten Speed Press, 1991), pp. 181-185.

1.1 Joseph M. Winski, "Big Idea in Box," Advertising Age (March 25, 1991), pp. 31; E. W. Brody,
    "Software Reviews: IdeaFisher 3.0," Public Relations Review, (Winter 1990), pp. 67-68.

14 Winski, op. cit.; Bryan W. Mattimore, "Mind Blasters: Software to Shatter Brain Block," Suc-
    cess (June 1990), pp. 46, 47.

° Jenny C. McCune, "Creativity Catalysts," Success (July/August 1992), p. 50.


17 Bryan Mattimore, "The Amazing Invention Machine," Success (October 1993), p. 34.

° Berkeley Rice, "Imagination to Go," Psychology Today (May 1984), p. 48.

19 "Want to Design a Robot? Try Watching a Bug," Business Week (1986), pp. .

" G. Berton Latamore, "Moth's Eyes Inspire Advances in Optical Changes," High Technology
     (Apri11987), p. 67.

21 Magaly Olivero, op. cit., p. 148.

22 James Braham, "Creativity: Eureka!" Machine Design (February 6, 1992), p. 37.

  Michael Ray and Rochelle Myers, Creativity in Business, (New York, Doubleday, 1986), p. 6.

24 Michalko, op. cit., pp. 126-131.

75 Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage (New York: Free Press, 1985), pp. 131-151.

26 Charles S. Whiting, op. cit., p. 29.

27 Carl E. Gregory, The Management of Intelligence (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962), pp. 45-51.

28 Dan Koberg and Jim Bagnall, op. cit., p. 27.
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