Page 148 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 148

TABLE 5.I Target A
         TQM Implementation Problems: (Problem Area)
         Where is the System Lacking? (Overall Problem)

• What is less than perfect in the way TQM is implemented?
• What difficulties do you and your colleagues have in implement-

   ing TQM?
• What are the roadblocks, bottlenecks, delays, and frustrations

   you have experienced while implementing TQM?
• Write each trouble, failure, waste, fraud, or abuse related to TQM

   implementation on a separate slip.

Source: Janet Fiero, "The Crawford Slip Method," Quality Progress (May 1992), pp. 40, 41.

TABLE 5.2 Target B

            Advice to Decision Makers: (Problem Area)
           How to Implement TQM? (Overall Problem)

• Remedies are the flip side of problems
• Provide your best recommendations for eliminating or alleviat-

   ing the troubles you just identified.
• What different policies, approaches, or procedures have you used

   or seen used that worked well?
• If you had complete control, how would you change things for

   the better?
• Write any first ideas on a slip—don't wait for the optimum solu-

• Write each remedy for implementing TQM on a separate slip.

Source: Janet Fiero, "The Crawford Slip Method," Quality Progress (May 1992), pp. 40, 41.

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