Page 163 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 163

d loolki kb, A I() I() 1() matrix yields 10001,1(..
             process is usually done in groups, but it may be do n indi-
            vidually first and then developed into a pooled matrix by a
            leader who incorporates individual inputs. Alternatively, the
            group may brainstorm the analysis together. Or, the process
            may be done individually without the involvement of a
            group. 4'

Figure 5.2 Morphological Analysis



                          --k     CL,.)`4"      4*II,_,N.4cit0iirOrMik
                         <<,         he* .40fflAIMO

                                                V. eA ria SOPI OA

     I Size                                                                           ••.

     2 Height                                       _                                _
     3 Width                                                                         _
     4 Weight
     5 Volume                                                                     _

     6 Shape                                              c•4

     inH 7 Position
           8 Location

     =1 9 Arrangement

          10 Strenght
     Uuj II Composition

     I 12 Ingredients

     U 13 Hardness

     Ill 14 Color

     D 15 Psycological

     co 16 Stability

     2 17 Adhesion

     I— 18 Heat properties

     I" 19 Crystalline structure
     'Ct 20 Ductility

     21 Time Properties

     22 Energy and power

     23 Electrical

     24 Transmissibility          _

     25 Hydraulic

     26 Chemical

                                     46" z59,4% C         7/J7"

     Source: Carl E. Gregory, The Management of Intelligence, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967), p. 201.

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