Page 165 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 165

At the i'iut ot this session each group organizes its cards by theme and
          ailliotilices the ideas to the rest of the group. All ideas are written on a

         large surface by a leader or recorder.
     6. Participants are formed into groups of ten and all the ideas on the writ-

         ing surface are brainstormed, one idea at a time.

              87/23. NOMINAL GROUP TECHNIQUE
             The nominal group technique (NGT) is a structured small-
             group process for generating ideas. 4 It can be used to di-
             minish the impact of a dominant person on the outcome of
             the group's idea generation process, whether the source of
             the dominance is formal authority or individual personality.
             The nominal group technique accomplishes this objective
             through a process that limits an individual's inputs to brief
             explanations and uses a secret ballot to choose among
             brainstormed ideas. For this technique to be effective, the
             participants must agree that the group's decision is binding.
             "As a group decision-making process, the nominal group
             technique is most useful for (1) identifying the critical vari-
             ables in a specific problem situation; (2) identifying key ele-
             ments of a program designed to implement a particular so-
             lution to some problems; or (3) establishing priorities with
             regard to problems to be addressed, goals to be attained,

                                                    desirable end states and so
                                                    on. In all of these circum-

                                                        stances, it often seems
                                                         beneficial to aggregate
                                                          individual judgments
                                                          into group decisions.
                                                         However, NGT is not

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