Page 199 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 199

" I ) ►n I lelkiegel, lohn ‘v      iii ' Its, liaol ,\ Woodman,
           tvlinnes(4ta                       om ►any, 19Mti) p, 2 ,o)

" See S. Scott Sink, "I thing th• Nominal Ciroup Technique Effectively," National Productivity
    Review, (Spring I ►H:1) p. !HI

" Aubrey L. Mendelow and S. lay Liebowitz, "Difficulties in Making OD a Part of Organiza-
    tional Strategy," Human Resource Planning (1989, #4), pp. 317-329.

" James B. Thomas, Reuben R. McDaniel, Jr., and Michael J. Dooris, "Strategic Issue Analysis..
    NGT + Decision Analysis for Resolving Strategic Issues," Journal of Applied Behavioral Sci-
    ence (1989), #2, pp. 189-200.

" Edward J. Szewczak, "Building a Strategic Data Base," Long Range Planning (April 1988), pp.

"Incentive Magazine: Nominal Groups in Action," Incentive (November 1988, pp. 60-62.

" William M. Fox, "'Anonymity and Other Keys to Successful Problem Solving Meetings,"
    National Productivity Review (Spring 1989), pp. 145-156; William M. Fox, "The Improved
    Nominal Group Technique (INGT)," Journal of Management Development (1989), #1, pp. 20-

5' "Group Techniques: Part 2, Alternatives to Brainstorming," Small Business Report (October
    1981), pp. 15-17.

" Bryan W. Mattimore, loc. cit.

" Horst Geschka, loc. cit.

5' Paul J. H. Schoemaker and Cornelius A. J. M. van der Heijden, "Integrating Scenarios Into
    Strategic Planning at Royal Dutch Shell," Planning Review (May-June 1992), pp. 41-46.

55 Simon Majaro, The Creative Gap (Great Britain: Longman, 1988) pp. 202-203.

56 Fred Mobasheri, Lowell H. Orren and Fereidoon P. Sioshansi, "Scenario Planning at South-
    ern California Edison," Interfaces (September-October 1989), pp. 31-44.

" Horst Geschka, loc. cit.

5S Mike Vance, "Storyboarding" from "Creativity " a series of audio cassette tapes on creativity,
    taken from the accompanying booklet to the tape series (Chicago: Nightengale-Conant,
    1982); Jerry McNellis, "An Experience in Creative Thinking," (New Brighton, PA: The
    McNellis Company, no date); and Lawrence F. Loftier, Jr., "Storyboarding Your Way to Suc-
    cessful Training, Public Personnel Management (Winter 1986), pp. 421-427.

" Lawrence F. Loftier, Jr., ibid.

'a Janis M. Czuszak and Albert L Lederer, "On Time and Within Budget," Data Management,
    March 1987, pp. 34-38.

61 Robert A. Barakat, "Storyboarding Can Help Your Proposal," IEEE Transactions on Profes-
    sional Communication, March 1989, pp. 20-25.

62 As described to the author by a Frito-Lay staff member.

6' Kenneth B. Noack, "Striving for Agency Excellence," American Agent & Broker, January 1991,
    pp. 59-62.

64 Darrell S. Corbin, "Bottom-Up IRM Planning: How it Worked at Rockwell," Information Strat-
    egy: The Executive's Journal, Fall, 1986, pp. 4-11.

65 Morris L Stein, Stimulating Creativity: Group Procedures, (New York: Academic Press, 1975),            101
    Chapter XV, pp. 172-221; William J.J. Gordon, Synectics: The Development of Creative Capac-      CREATIVE
    ity, (New York: Collier Macmillan, 1961).                                                         PROBLEM

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