Page 197 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 197

REFERENCES                                                                                                  101
  James M. Higgins, The A tanage ► erit Challenge, 2nd ed., (New York: Macmillan, 19,►.1), Chap.      PROBLEM
    ters 1 and 15.
  Ibid., p. 133.                                                                                    TECHNIQUI

  Ibid.                                                                                                181

  David J. Placek, "Creativity Survey Shows Who's Doing What; How to Get Your Team on the
    Road to Creativity," Marketing News (November 6, 1989), p. 14.

' Alex Osborn, Applied Imagination (New York: Charles Scribner & Sons, 1953), pp. 297-304;
    also see, Robert Kerwin, "Brainstorming as a Flexible Management Tool," Personnel Journal
    (May 1983), pp. 414-418.

  "Group Techniques: Part 2, Alternatives to Brainstorming," Small Business Report (October
    1981), p. 15.

  "IP Offers Creative Partnership," Purchasing World (August 1990), pp. 38-41.

  Edward D. Cohen and Robert H. Knospe, "Professional Excellence Committee Benefits Tech-
    nical Professionals at DuPont," Research-Technology Management (July/August, 1990), pp.

  "Federal Express: Employees Eliminate Problems Instead of Fighting Fires," Business Mar-
    keting (February 1990), pp. 40, 42.

9 Carol Kennedy, "The Transformation of AT&T," Long Range Planning (June 1989), pp. 10-17.

1° The author was the leader of these sessions.

" N.A. Howard, "Creativity: A Special Report," Success, p. 56.

12 Karen Lowry Miller, "55 Miles Per Gallon: How Honda Did It," Business Week (September 23,
    1991), pp. 82, 83.

'3 This discussion of Japanese creativity techniques and of the four techniques discussed later
    in the chapter are taken from: Sheridan M. Tatsuno, Created in Japan: From Imitators to World-
    Class Innovators, (New York: Harper & Row, Ballenger Division, 1990), pp. 104-115; and a
    summary of these as discussed in Sheridan M. Tatsuno, "Creating Breakthroughs the Japa-
    nese Way," R&D Magazine (February 1990), pp. 137-142.

14 Arthur B. VanGundy, Creative Problem Solving (New York: Quorum Books, 1987), pp. 131—

" Ibid.

16 Horst Greschka, "Perspectives on Using Various Creativity Techniques," in Stanley S.
    Gryskiewicz, Creativity Week II, 1979 Proceedings (Greensboro, North Carolina: Center for
    Creative Leadership, 1979) pp. 51-55.

" Lea Hall, "Can you Picture That?" Training & Development Journal (September 1990), pp. 79-

18 Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Frogs Into Princes: Neurolinguistic Programming(Moab,
    UT: Real People Press, 1979).

'9 James F. Bandrowski, "Taking Creative Leaps," Planning Review (January/February 1990),
    pp. 34-38.

" Sheridan M. Tatsuno, "Creating Breakthroughs, the Japanese Way," R&D (February, 1990),
    pp. 136-142; Simon Majaro, The Creative Gap: Managing Ideas for Profit, (London: Longman,
     1988), pp. 106-119.
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