Page 192 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 192

la.. industry dl West 1•41cos Ferry 1 lospititl iii \II,Inta,
               icorgia, to information system project design and
             implementation,"() to writing technical proposals."' It is a
             major part of Frito-Lay's creative problem-solving program." 2

             Noack and Dean Insurance Agency of Sacramento, Califor-
             nia uses story boards as the focal point for its planning cen-
             ter.63 Rockwell Hanford Operations of Richland, Virginia,
             used both brainstorming and story-boarding to formulate its
             information resource management plan (IRM), under which
             the business and scientific functions were merged into a
             single information system. 64

                 Final Observations on Storyboarding

             The beauty of this technique is that it is flexible and readily
             adaptable to your needs. If you don't like the exact system,
             change it a little to meet your requirements. When you be-
             gin using the process, keep it simple. As you become com-
             fortable with the system you can expand your applications
             of it. However, you may need to spread story boards over
             several days to maintain the group's energy levels, and sev-
             eral boards may be necessary to solve very complex prob-
             lems. Personally, I believe it is the best group problem-solv-
             ing technique for complex problems.


    1. A group consisting of eight to twelve people, a leader, and a re-
       corder are selected.

    2. The problem is defined and identified as the topic header at the
       top of the story board.

    3. The purpose and miscellaneous headers are written down. The
       purpose header is brainstormed.

    4. The other headers are identified through brainstorming.
    5. Each header's subtopics are identified through brainstorming.
    6. After a break, the critical session occurs, using different rules from

       those used in the creative session.
    7 Ideas, communication, and organization story boards follow,

       using the same steps.

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