Page 188 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 188
are created on wi II inr, ..iirfoces such as 4 ' su l chalkbard!.
or a series of white ht s inls. On these it is easy to add, delete,
or move ideas. I prefer to use white boards and different-
colored markers to differentiate the topic header, the head-
ers, the subbers, and the siders. You can also use different
colors to distinguish each column from the rest. If you use
note cards, the topic card should be 8" x 10", the headers
and subbers 4" x 6" Depending on which system you use,
be it pushpin cards, taped cards, Post It Notes, erasable wall
boards or chalkboards, you'll need push pins, scissors, wide
marking pens for paper or boards, chalk, and a supply of
cards or Post It Notes. A Polaroid camera comes in handy
for taking pictures of completed boards.
Another Example 101
Let's say that your creative problem-solving project is to PROBLEM
improve productivity. The topic card would read "Improve TECHNIQUE
Productivity." Then your project team would consider what
they needed to do to talk about, or think about regarding 2
this problem.
Some major considerations that might arise, to be written up
on header cards, are the following: Purpose, Productivity
Defined, Good Examples, Causes of High Productivity,
Causes of Low Productivity, Educational Theories and Re-
sources, Major Methods, Implementation Concepts, and
Miscellaneous. Remember always to have a header labeled
"Purpose" and one labeled "Miscellaneous," and to complete
the purpose header before brainstorming the other headers.
Next work with each header in depth to develop the subbers
under it.
Miscellaneous: At first we had only "background" as a
subber on our story board about storyboarding. Now, in Fig-
ure 5.7, three more subbers have been added. Visual - One
of the most important characteristics of storyboarding is its
visuality. Not just the artwork which may be added, but the
very fact that the words are listed so that everyone can see
them and respond to them. Flexible - One reason I like this
process is that it is so flexible. You don't have to follow the
rules exactly. You can change the boards around easily. Sym-
bols - The use of symbols makes it easier to be creative, be-