Page 184 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 184

to begin .? Who %% III h.. d ► mg them It take., the ohjek h\ eti

and plans estabh..hcd in the planning and ideas hoards and

breaks them into individtta1 and group objectives and tasks.

I like to write the organization information on the planning
and/or ideas boards rather than create a separate board. Your
preference may vary. Once the storyboarding sessions are

over, this information will need to he transcribed in a de-

tailed format. For this an organization board is useful. Once

solutions have been identified and

tasks created, a communications          STORY BOARD
board is used to describe how this in-
formation will be conveyed.                 Planning

The Communications Story Board.

Answers these questions: Who needs

to know? What do they need to

know? When d.o they need to know         STORY BOARD
it? What media are going to be used
to convey the information? This board         Ideas
can be completed after the tasks have

been established..

Some people prefer to begin work on      STORY BOARD
this board early in the creative-think-
ing session. I don't. You have to have   Organization
the tasks established before you can
communicate them. As with the or-        STORY BOARD
ganization board, I prefer to simply
write on the planning and ideas          Communication
boards, saving the separate report of
this information for later. The beauty
of storyboarding is that such flexibil-
ity is possible.

You can use planning and ideas                                              101
boards in all creative-thinking projects---they're the core of        CREATIVE
the story board system. The extent to which you use com-              P. ROBLEM
munication and organization boards depends on the scope                SOLVING
of the project, the size of your organization, the number of       "TEO -MI(11)r
people outside the project team who need to know about the
project and its progress, and the number of people who will
eventually be involved in implementing the ideas.

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