Page 182 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 182


Materials      The Rules for                 The Rules for     Role of Miscellaneous

               a Creative                    a Critical        the Leader

               Thinking Session Thinking Session


Materials      The Rules for                 The Rules for     Role of            Miscellaneous

               a Creative                    a Critical        the Leader

               Thinking Session Thinking Session

Wall boards No criticism                     Be objective      Choose topic, Background::

                                                               team               Disney, Mike Vance

Cards: sizes;  Quantity no                   Be critical       Choose type of Visual
colors; pins;  quality                                         storyboard,
tape                                                           brief team

Wide tipped    Piggyback ides                Attack ideas not  Warm up,           Flexible
markers                                      people            review rules

,                                                              Topic header       Use symbols
               Post It notes The wilder the                    headers
                                     better                    subbers

Scissors, string Quick and dirty                               Conduct                                        101
Table                                                          creative thinking                        CREATIVE
                                                               Conduct                                   SOLVING
                                                               critical thinking                      TECHNIQUES

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