Page 186 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 186

First look at a header Ask, these questions: Will the itle,
work? Why is it up there? Is it necessary to our objective? Is
it feasible? If the header doesn't stand up in the critical-think-
ing session, remove it from the board or move it to another
position on the board. Then evaluate each subber under the
headers (keep in mind that if a header is not valid, it does
not mean that any particular subber under it won't work). If
a subber no longer seems pertinent or practical, toss it out or
move it. Then go on to evaluate the next header and group
of subbers under it, and so on until the entire board has been
appraised. Your objective is to narrow the list of ideas to
something more manageable.
Additional Steps in the Process. The next step is to develop
the next board in the sequence. If you are on a planning
board, for example, your next step is a creativity session for
an ideas board. If you are on an ideas board, you need to
hold the creativity session for the organization board.
It is best to schedule the sessions over a few days or weeks,
recognizing that people are under time constraints. On the
other hand, a lengthy "grind" session sometimes works well
and may be necessary if the project is a crisis situation.
The Project Team. Before you conduct a creative problem-
solving session using the storyboard system, you must as-
semble your project team. Normally there are five to eight

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