Page 178 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 178
A Story Board on Storyboarding 101
A storyboard is organized in columns underneath major el- PROBLEM
ements known as headers. SOLVING
The Topic Header. Figure 5.4 portrays the first step in
storyboarding: identifying the topic. At the top of the
storyboard, the topic to be defined or the problem to he solved
is identified. This is referred to as the topic header. Here the
topic header is storyboarding. It could just as easily be "re-
cruiting high-quality employees in a low-skill labor market"
or "differentiating our product from those of our competitors."
The Purpose Header. Figure 5.5 indicates the second step in
the process, establishing the purpose header and brainstorm-
ing the purposes for pursuing the topic, which are then listed
beneath the purpose header. These purposes must be identi-
fied before any other headers are created. Each item placed
under a header is known as a subber. The purpose header in
our example has four subbers: solving problems more effec-
tively; raising levels of creativity; improving planning,
communication, and organization; and increasing participa-
tion. Others may be added later.
The Miscellaneous Header. Figure 5.5 also contains the
miscellaneous header. The column beneath this header con-
tains all the items that don't seem to fit in any of the other
columns. Items are placed under the miscellaneous header as
the rest of the columns are brainstormed. Later they may be
placed under another header or may become headers them-
selves if enough similar items appear in the miscellaneous col-
umn. In our example there is only one subber under the mis-
cellaneous header: background. More will be added later.
The Other Headers. Figure 5.6 portrays the third step in the
storyboarding process: identification of the other headers—
that is, the major issues and solutions to the problem,
other than the purpose and miscellaneous headers. Brain-
storming of the major issues involved in storyboarding re-
veals the following headers: Major Uses of Storyboarding,
Types of Storyboards, Types of Sessions for Each Storyboard,
The Project Team, Materials Involved in a Storyboard, Rules
for a Creative-Thinking Session, Rules for a Critical-Think-
ing Session, and The Role of the Leader.