Page 176 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 176

93/29. STORYBOARDING                                                     101

Storyboarding is a structured exercise based on brainstorm-        KILtEATIVf
ing." It is extremely flexible and can be readily modified. It
assists in all stages of the problem solving process but espe-      PROBLEM
cially in generating and deciding on alternatives. In con-
trast to brainstorming, which is best used with a narrowly          1_91Y11•14
defined problem, storyboarding is especially useful for solv-    TECHNIQVES
ing complex problems. It can be used not only to provide
solutions but also to help define the various aspects of a com-
plex problem. A specific format for describing the problem
and a specific process for solving it are provided.


Walt Disney and his staff devised a forerunner of the
stpryboard technique in 1928. Disney wanted to achieve full
animation in cartoon features, something no one had been
able to accomplish previously. To do so, he produced an
enormous number of drawings—thousands more than the
then current state of the art required. Approximately four
times as many frames per second were to be used to pro-
duce high-quality cartoon features, giving his firm a major
competitive edge.
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