Page 171 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 171

Figure 5.3 Sample Scenario Summary

Descriptors          SCENARIO A:                               SCENARIO B:
               The Nation's Future is               Oil and Gas Benefits Lead to

                  Dominated by the                       Restructured National
               Oil and Gas Economy                                  Economy

Global         • Persistent Economic Structural   • Moderate Growth, Some
Economic         Problems                           Progress Toward Restructuring
               • OECD Growth:About 2%             • OECD Growth: 2.5%
               • Inflation Higher:Volatile        • Cyclical Swings in Inflation,

                 Exchange Rates                     Exchange Rates

Geopolitical   • Increasing Protectionism         • Growing International Trade and
Relations      • Slowdown/Reversal of               Cooperation

                 Privatization Policies           • Gains for Privatization in OECD
               • U.S.-Western Europe Tensions     • Relaxation of East-West Tensions:

                 Exploited by the USSR              Increased Trade

Energy         • Oil Demand Growth: I%            • Oil Demand Growth: I%
Market         • Gas Demand Growth: 2%            • Gas Demand Growth: 2%
Structure      • OPEC Dominance Gains             • Increases in OPEC Power North
               • North Sea, Barents Sea
Oil and Gas                                         Sea, Barents Sea Developments
Industry         Developments Pushed                Pushed
Structure      • COMECON Gas Available            • COMECON Gas Expansion

               • Strong Upstream Operations       • More Strategic Alliances
                 Post 1990                        • Greater Push Downstream

National       • National Will: Unsure, Drifting  • Moderately Dynamic National
Economy        • Economic Restructuring:            Will

                 - Few Initiatives Successful     • Economic Restructuring: Balance
                 - Petroleum Sector Dominant        Between Petroleum and
               • GNP Growth:About 2.5%              NonPetroleum Sectors

                                                  • GNP Growth:About 2.5%

Technological  • Incremental Development:         • Accelerated Progress: Integration
Change           Fragmented Disciplines             of Disciplines

               • Norwegian R&D Spending: 1.5%     • Growth of Norwegian R&D to
                 of GNP with Oil and Gas as No.     2% of GNP, with new Priorities
                 I Priority
                                                  • Oil and Gas Technology: Focus on
               • Oil and Gas Technology: Focus      New Reserves Access
                 on E&P Improvement and New

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