Page 172 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 172

SCENARIO C:                                  SCENARIO D:
   The Country                       The Country is Driven Out
  Struggles i n a
Depressed World                          of Oil Dependence by
                                          Global Restructuring

• Severe Economic Structural         • Strong Growth, Following
  Problems, Protectionism              Restructuring Adjustments

• OECD Growth: 1.5%                  • OECD Growth: 3-3.5%
• Volatile Inflation (Some           • Relatively Stable Inflation and

  Deflation) and Exchange Rates        Exchange Rates

• Volatile Tension-Filled World:     • Agreements Resulting from Stable
  Growth in Protectionism,             Political Relations
                                     • Flourishing of Market-Orientated
• Emphasis on Government               Policies
                                     • COMECON Drawn more into
• East-West Relations and Trade        Global Mainstream

• Oil Demand Growth: 0%              • Oil Demand Growth: I%
• Gas Demand Growth: 1%              • Gas Demand Growth: 3%
• Struggle for OPEC to Survive       • Loss of OPEC Power and
• Barents Sea Development
  Delayed                            • North Sea, Barents Sea
• COMECON Gas Reduced
                                       Development Slowed

• Mergers/Consolidations Multiply    • Strategic Shift from Oil to Gas
• State-Owned Companies              • Privatization of Some State-

  Favored by National Policies         Owned Operations

• Malaise: Discouraged, Divided      • Strongly Dynamic National Will
• Economic Restructuring:            • Economic Restructuring:

  - All Sectors Struggling             - Most Initiatives Successful
  - Govt. Support of Energy            - Gas More Important than Oil
  Sector                             • GNP Growth: 2.5-3%
• GNP Growth: 1-1.5%

• Stalled Development: Restrictive,  • Rapid Progress: Integration,                                         101
  Protectionist Policies               Global Diffusion of Technologies                                CREATIVE
• Norwegian R&D Spending             • Norwegian R&D at 2-2.5%                                          50 LV I NC.
  Overall Declines but Spending        - Focus on High-tech                                          TECHNIQUES
  on Oil and Gas R&D Constant          - Restructuring
• Oil and Gas Technology: Focus      • Oil and Gas Technology: Focus on
  on Productivity/Cost Control         Gas Conversion, Artificial
                                       Intelligence / Imaging

Source: Reprinted from: Long Range Planning, vol. 23, no.2., P.R. Stokke, W.K. Ralston, T.A. Boyce,
I.H. Wilson, "Scenerio Planning for Norwegian Oil and Gas", pp. 22, Copyright 1990, with kind
permission from Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OW, U.K.
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