Page 56 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 56

VOIIISCII in til)niellnll else's shoes for ..amph.,
               4•tomerl may give you totally new insights into a situa-
            tion. It may allow you to solve potential problems before
            they become real ones. Imagine that you are someone else

                     in the problem situation. Describe the problem from
                       that person's perspective. Nov solve it from that
                         perspective. What new insights did you gain?

                               12/8. SUGGESTION PROGRAMS

                          From the standpoint of the organization, the sug-
                          gestion program offers a tremendous opportu-
                         nity to learn about the existence of problems and
                        to obtain some solutions. But such programs must
                      be implemented effectively. Japanese firms have

                                   really good suggestion programs. Some
                                   U.S. firms, such as Lockheed, also have
                                   good programs. The Japanese take their
                                   programs seriously. Akio Morita,
                                   co-founder of Sony, comments on his
                                   firm's suggestion programs, "We insist
                              that all our employees contribute their
            thoughts and ideas, not just their manual effort. We get an
            average of eight suggestions a year from each employee. We
            take most of these ideas seriously."

               13/9. WORKOUTS AND OTHER GROUP


            GE has developed a process known as the workout. Work-
            outs involve a three-day retreat in which managers and their
            subordinates gather to solve problems experienced by the
            work unit. It is a highly participative effort with a unique
            twist. Subordinates suggest the causes of the problems and
            recommend solutions. On the third day these are presented
            to their manager, whose superior manager is also in atten-
            dance sitting behind his or her subordinate but facing the
            employees. The workout manager must choose among three
            responses to subordinates' recommendations: Yes, no, or let's
            examine it and make a decision by a specific date. Deferrals
            are discouraged." The workout manager must make a deci-
            sion about employee suggestions without knowing what his
            or her boss's reactions are because of how the two managers

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