Page 88 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 88


Herman Miller is the second largest seller of office                                  117NO LLDVNI 30 03 3AIIVAON NI3 H 1
furniture in the U.S. It is generally regarded as the
most innovative firm in the industry. It innovates
in virtually every aspect of the business from prod-
ucts to processes of all types. It created the modular office. Ergo-
nomic chairs and sleek looking designs are routine for the firm.
Among its many other proud innovative traditions are employee
participation in key decisions, and profit sharing programs for
employees. Open communication and the building of a trusting
work environment are other key values.

One of the most unique facets of its innovation is its efforts to be a
green company (an environmentally proactive company). It has

                    tackled its expression of concern for the environ-
                               ment in a responsive yet profitable way.
                                       In 1990, for example, Bill Foley, the
                                           research manager at Herman
                                             Miller, realized that the firm was
                                               using far too much wood from
                                                            tropical forrests. So
                                                               he sent out an
                                                                edict that th.e firm
                                                                would no longer
                                                               use two species —
                                                          rosewood and Hon-
                                                      duran mahogany, once
                                                                 existing supplies
                                                                 were depleted.
                                                               This threatened
                                                              the sales of the
                                                         firm's signature furni-
                                                       ture product, the $2300
                                                      Eames chair which was
                                                     finished in rosewood.

                      CONTINUES ON PAGE 74

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