Page 89 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 89


                     olitilittedfrom page 73

               Nonetheless, the firm did exactly that, willing to suffer
               any reversals in sales that occured.

              The firm has taken an active stance on recycling. It has
               reduced packaging and built an $11 million waste-to-
               energy heating and cooling plant that has cut its hauls to
               landfills by 90 percent. When Joe Azzarello, the engi-
               neer who oversees the firm's vast-to-energy plant, found
               out that there wasn't a good way to recycle the 800,000
               styrofoam cups that employees used each year, he banned
               them and handed out 5,000 mugs with this Buckminster
               Fuller admonition: "In spaceship earth there are no pas-
               sengers, only crew." The company recycles leather, vi-
               nyl, foam, office paper, phone books, and lubricating oils.
               Now it is trying for cradle-to-grave design that will al-
               low recycling of all parts of its products.

               The bottom line for Herman Miller is that all of these
               actions save it tremendous amounts of money. The waste-
               to-energy plant saves $750,000 a year in fuel and landfill
               costs. Reduced packaging saves the firm over a million
               dollars a year. And recycling and selling waste products
               saves $900,000 a year.

                       Source: David Woodruff, "Herman Miller: How Green is My Factory?" Business Week,
                       September 16, 1991, pp. 54-56.

             redesign pizza boxes. The program suggested changes in
             shapes and materials that led to a box that keeps pizza warm
             three times as long as conventional boxes.''

              36/10. DEADLINES
             Since many creative individuals work best under pressure,
             deadlines are extremely effective in generating alternatives
             and inspiring creative work. A deadline increases pressure
             and stimulates more right-brain activity.

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