Page 94 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 94
Insights Possible Solutions
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Do your answers trigger any thoughts that might lead to
motivations? Any solutions?
40/14. THE FCB GRID 101
If you are looking for new products or services to offer and PROBLEM
are trying to figure out how to position them against those SOLVING
of competitors, this technique may help. The FCB grid was TECHNIQUES
developed by Richard Vaughn of the advertising corpora-
tion of Foote, Cone & Belding. 24 It is a four-cell matrix simi- 79
lar to those commonly used to describe management and
marketing concepts. Figure 4.1 portrays such a grid.
The two axes indicate positions of high and low involvement
and degrees of thinking and feeling in relation to products
and services. "High involvement" describes expensive prod-
ucts or services, such as automobiles, expensive jewelry, air-
planes, and custom-designed software. "Low involvement"
describes inexpensive products like dishwashing soap or fast
"Think" represents products or services that are evaluated
according to verbal, numerical, analytical, and cognitive cri-
teria, about which the consumer would desire more infor-
mation or would have to think. Examples include comput-
ers, spreadsheet software, automobiles, and customized fit-
ness programs. "Feel" describes products or services that
appeal to the customer's emotions, about which the customer
would have feelings. Examples include cosmetics, stylish
clothing, and sports cars.
The axes are continuums with high and low involvement,
and think and feel, at the extremes of the axes and different
degrees of these variables in between. The idea is to place