Page 98 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 98
TABLE 4.2 Application of the Focused-Object Technique
Attribute of Chain of Free Application to
Lampshade Association Automobile
Lampshade is Volcano
shaped like a peak Volcanic power
or volcano
Explosive power "Engine has explosive
Peak "This automobile is the
Peak of perfection peak of perfection."
Steep hill "It has climbing ability."
Lampshade has form Racing form Use a layout.
Horses Show individual horse to
Horsepower dramatize horsepower.
Winner's circle "This automobile is always
Fine horses in the winner's circle."
Other fine things "He likes fine cars."
Morocco leather Associate car with fine
Ivory chess sets things.
Africa Picture car in use in Africa
and all over the world.
Source: Charles S. Whiting, "Operational Techniques of Creative Thinking," Advanced Management,
October 1955, p. 29.
1. Pick a product, service, or object to change.
2. List the attributes of this item.
3. Free associate words for each attribute.
4. Indicate how each free association applies to changing the item
or solving the problem at hand.